

那麼,中共國真有資格不吃美國的一套吗?- 的確,近三十多年来,中共國戴上偽善的面具,利用西方国家的友好,极力发展本国的权贵资本,雖然中国经济总量攀升,但是,中国人民究竟得到了多少实惠呢?僅在一年前,中共總理李克强自己就已經不打自招地承认,中国有六亿人口平均月收入不到一千人民币(少於$155美金)!这就是所谓的中国经济的實力和資格!近日,又有一个卡车司机因为不堪两千元的罚款而喝农药自殺!但是,这仅仅是中国这些年反复发生的惨剧的一个缩影!還有多少個金德牆、楊改蘭、徐玉玉這樣的中國故事在上演?在这个所谓中國資格的背后有多少的血泪和耻辱?多少不公和罪恶?!








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Please stand up bravely: Expose the crimes of corrupt officials and overseas assets of the CCP!

Not long ago, high-level Chinese and American governments held talks in Alaska, USA.  At the meeting, the two Chinese representatives Yang Jiechi and Wang Yi were,reportedly, rampant and domineering. They not only failed to comply with meeting time requirements, but also completely denied China’s blatant human rights violations and other issues!  Yang Jiechi declared that the United States, based on its strength, is no longer eligible to criticize China…

So, is the Chinese Communist Party really qualified enough to not be criticized by outside countries like the United States?  -Indeed, in the past three decades, the Chinese Communist Party has worn on a mask of hypocrisy and used the friendship of Western countries to develop its own wealth. Though China’s economic power has risen, how much benefit have the Chinese people received?  Only one year ago, the Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, himself, admitted without confession that there are 600 million people in China with an average monthly income of less than 1,000 yuan (less than $155)!  This is the so-called strength and backbone of the Chinese economy!  Recently, another truck driver commit suicide by drinking pesticides because he could not bear a fine of two thousand yuan!  However, this is just a microcosm of the tragedies that have happened repeatedly in China over the years!  How many Jindeqiang Yang Gailan Xu Yuyu are there?  How much blood, tears and shame are behind this so-called Chinese qualification?  How much injustice and sin?!

In the past 30 years, from the Tiananmen massacre to Tibet, Xinjiang, and then to Hong Kong, has the CCP done little evil?!  Are there still more crimes that have been committed by the CCP?!  The CCP does not have any qualifications to represent the Chinese people!  The CCP is a reactionary fascist organization that completely opposes and suppresses the people, and a terrorist organization that has committed serious crimes against humanity!

Since Master Yang Jiechi dared to plausibly “attack the Americans back at the negotiating table, don’t eat that set! Since you have always declared that you will never follow the evil roads of the West, please ask the CCP officials at all levels to take your assets away from your relatives, family, transfer your lover’s illegitimate children back to your country! Only in this way can the people feel how you and the Chinese people are in the same quilt, and that means that you are truly patriotic! It’s not possible, and you can also immigrate to the country.  The CCP’s close allies consist of Russia, North Korea, and Iran. This shows that you really “do not eat the Western style”!

We call on people with a sense of justice to stand up and expose your property and mistresses in the United States and other Western countries!  Expose all your criminal activities!  Expose your duplicity!

   Attachment: National Mobilization!  Report the CCP’s human rights violations, various human rights violations and inhuman crimes committed by the Chinese people, and public officials’ property names, addresses and family members in the United States and other countries!  The China League for Democracy and Human Rights will publicly publish relevant information on its website and notify the US government.  The US government will use the Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Law to punish CCP criminals in accordance with the law.  At the same time, we will give 100-10,000 USD bonus rewards to informants who provide strong factual evidence! 

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Phone: (425) 535-8869 (626) 684-6099