(English abstract is after the Chinese bellow)
中国民主人权联盟副主席, 美国民主中国陣線副主席副主席白节敏和不久前從大陸歷經千山萬水逃到美國後仍然被中共特務和歹徒恐嚇,並企圖暗殺的界立建先生谈他们被下毒, 被恐吓, 甚至遭到暗杀的亲身危险经历! 您若逃出了中共魔掌控制的中国大陆, 可千万不要再掉进中共在海外潛伏的特務組織的陷阱佈置! 請您一定與中國民主人權聯盟聯繫!
Mr. Bai Jiemin, a Vice President of the Chinese Democracy & Human Rights Alliance (CDHRA), and a USA Vice President of the Federation for a Democratic China, and Mr. Jie Lijian, who has recently escaped from the mainland China to the United States of America after being intimidated by the CCP agents and criminals. Those CCP agents attempted to assassinate them, Poison them, intimidated, and possibly even assassinated! WARNING! If you have escaped the Chinese mainland China which controlled by the CCP, you must never fall into CCP network traps of some secret agents lurking in the overseas! Please be sure to contact the Chinese Democracy & Human Rights Alliance bellow:
By phone: Eastern United States: 626-684-6099 Western United States: 425-535-8869 Email: ChinaHumanRightsAlliance@gmail.com