中国民主人权联盟 民主中国阵线美国总部

The Republic of Iran appears to be a democracy. They also hold regular popular elections, but in fact, above the president they elect, there is also a lifelong supreme leader, Khame, who is also the lifelong commander-in-chief of the army. Therefore, Iran remains effectively an authoritarian state. This is also the reason why Iran has formed an alliance of interests with the Russian and Chinese governments. In such a theocratic country, many people have been oppressed and violated for a long time. The current Iranian regime, like the Chinese Communist regime, has committed many horrific and heinous crimes against humanity. In recent years, authoritarian regimes around the world such as Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran have increasingly become threats to world peace. They not only control and suppress the people at home, but also try to control and enslave the people of other countries. They have posed serious challenges and threats to the liberal democratic camps such as the United States and the United Kingdom, and the world is facing a new danger of war. Those of us who work hard for freedom and democracy for the Chinese people also see such dangers. Therefore, we actively participate in the Iranian people's resistance to the current authoritarian government, support the Iranian people in their fight for their own freedom, and support the Iranian people's struggle against genocide and religious oppression.
Brutal dictators are gathering to challenge the world. The world is facing great turmoil and crisis. At such a moment, we must respond resolutely, fight back, and work tirelessly for freedom and peace in the world.
