Panel discussions for anniversary of anti-extradition movement 反送中運動一週年紀念分享會

One year ago, the most participated protest movement erupted in Hong Kong to oppose the erosion of the core values enjoyed by the city: freedom from fear and an independent judiciary. Some protesters regarded this struggle being the last fight against authoritarianism while the Hong Kong government resorted to a heavy-handed law enforcement approach to a political problem.

To this day, only one of the five demands laid out by the protesters has been met. Recently the Chinese government doubled down on suppression by bypassing the Hong Kong legislature to make national security law for Hong Kong on its own.

The road ahead will be tough. Is the struggle in the last twelve months in vain? We invite several distinguished moderators and panelists to share the observations from their vantage points.

There will be two panel discussions. One in Cantonese and one in English. They will be live stream through Facebook and YouTube.





  1. 反送中運動一週年紀念分享 – 香港及國際視野 (粵語)
  • 時間: 美國時間6月6日(六), 西岸 6pm / 東岸 9pm | 香港時間6月7日(日) 9am
  • 長度: 75分鐘
  • 主持: 何桂藍 (立場新聞記者)
  • 嘉賓:
  • 沈旭暉 (國際關係學者)
  1. Panel: First anniversary of anti-extradition movement – What difference has the movement made? (in English)



