
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) dictatorship regime facing the world sanctions and more and more closer to it’s dead-end road. It’s infiltration to against the American freedom became even more unscrupulous.

中共在內外交困,穷途末路的情况下對美國的滲透越發嚴重, 肆無忌憚.
我們要進一步揭露中共暴行,推翻中共暴政, 為建立自由憲政新中國而奮鬥!


美国政治庇护移民律师, 胡(耀邦)赵(紫阳)基金会会长, 中国民主党全委会监察长李进进,在三月十四日被来美北京女大学生杀害. 借机而来的是对中国民主人权联盟和民主中国阵线美国分部主要领导人白节敏副主席和金秀红主席的诽谤,造谣. 于是,在网络上中共特工人员与歹徒们夹杂在不明真相的人中间,一时间甚嚣尘上,乌烟瘴气. 这一系列事情的發生肯定離不開中共對海外民運的滲透,企圖打擊和削弱民運領導民運組織的戰鬥力. 对此, 中国民主人权联盟和民主中国阵线美国分部聯合發表文章,”无惧中共的末日疯狂,更堅定地为自由戰”(https://fdcusa.org/%e6%97%a0%e6%83%a7%e4%b8%ad%e5%85%b1%e7%9a%84%e6%9c%ab%e6%97%a5%e7%96%af%e7%8b%82%ef%bc%8c%e6%9b%b4%e5%a0%85%e5%ae%9a%e5%9c%b0%e4%b8%ba%e8%87%aa%e7%94%b1%e8%80%8c%e6%88%b0), 美国东部主席白节敏先生也在此透露了一些杀人犯张小宁的信息,並表明我们面对中共的抹黑和巨大压力绝不后退,我们將继续坚决地为推翻中共独裁暴政, 建立自由憲政新中國而努力的决心.

世界著名雕塑艺术家陈维明先生的作品优秀,画龙点睛, 著名的<中共病毒>雕塑激怒了中共獨裁集团统治者習近平,被中共特工人员跟踪定位.我们邀请了陈维明先生針對中共對自由雕塑公園的滲透和對他的作品所進行的種種罪惡行徑在此发表他的看法.



Zhang Xiaoning killed Li Jinjin

Our attitude towards the CCP’s slander

American asylum immigration lawyer, president of Hu (Yaobang) and Zhao (Ziyang) Foundation, and inspector general of China Democracy Party National Committee Li Jinjin, was murdered on March 14th by a female college student from Beijing who came to the United States.

The slander and rumors attack to Vice Chairman Bai Jiemin and Chairman Jin Xiuhong (Jane Jin), the main leaders of the American branch of the Chinese Democracy & Human Rights Alliance and the Federation for a Democratic China. The occurrence of a series of things cannot be separated from the CCP’s infiltration of overseas democracy movements, in an attempt to crack down on and weaken the leadership of the democracy movement and the combat effectiveness of our organization. In this regard, the and the Federation for a Democratic China jointly published an article, “Fearless of the CCP’s Doomsday Madness, Fight Harder for Freedom” (https://fdcusa.org/%e6%97%a0%e6%83%a7%e4%b8%ad%e5%85%b1%e7%9a%84%e6%9c%ab%e6%97%a5%e7%96%af%e7%8b%82%ef%bc%8c%e6%9b%b4%e5%a0%85%e5%ae%9a%e5%9c%b0%e4%b8%ba%e8%87%aa%e7%94%b1%e8%80%8c%e6%88%b0). Mr. Bai Jiemin, chairman of the Eastern United States, revealed some information of murderer Zhang Xiaoning in the program.

This program also shows that we will never back down in the face of the CCP’s smear attacks and enormous pressure, and we will continue to resolutely work harder to overthrow the CCP’s dictatorship and tyranny and establish a free and constitutional new China. The world-well known sculpture artist Mr. Chen Weiming’s works are excellent and the finishing touches the important pointsHis famous “CCP Virus” sculpture angered Xi Jinping, the ruler of the CCP dictatorship gans, and was tracked and located by the CCP agents. We invited Mr. Chen Weiming to address the CCP’s infiltration and opposition to the Freedom Sculpture Park. Here he expresses his views on the various evil deeds carried out by his works. Mr. Zheng Yang, Secretary-General of the Chinese Democracy & Human Rights Alliance, also made a strong attack on the CCP’s perverse actions.

This show is hosted by Ms. Jane Xiuhong Jin.