人们高呼,向王炳章学习!打到共产党!释放王炳章的口号。几十人的声音回荡在空中,一些过路的行人们停下脚步,走过来照相。。。有人说,我们支持中国人的人权斗争,谢谢你们让我们知道中国的事情。。。 自媒體节目主持人,曾在中共監獄出出入入十多年的張林先生,告诉大家他曾经和王炳章一起搞民运,绝食的事情,他对王炳章博士有极高的评价。从大陸游泳逃到台灣之後來美的中國民主黨負責人之一唐元雋,反覆被中共年節假日就被抓的中國民主人權聯盟副主席白潔敏和在中國民主運動中長期堅持反共的楊茂森先生,中國民主黨執行長陈闯创,維權反強拆女士葛麗芳等也都先后发言,强烈谴责中共的倒行逆施,残酷打压持不同政见者。
Protest in front of the United Nation Against the CCP – kidnapped Dr. Wang Bingzhang in Vietnam, after made Dr. Wang disappeared for 6 months later the CCP regime Unjustly Sentenced Dr. Wang Bingzhang life in prison.
On Sep. 7th 2022 Dr. Wang Bingzhang’s brother Mr. Wang Bingwu flew from Canada joined the protest, and told people what happened to Dr. Wang Bingzhang, and how did he decided to be like Dr. Sun Yason – quite the Medial practice started his very difficult Chinese democracy and human rights road… he was sentenced life in prison was because he spoke out for the vast majority of Chinese people don’t have any free speech rights, he established the 1st Chinese freedom and human rights organization Alliance for a Democratic China, and founded the 1st Chinese magazine published global wide China Spring for the people’s freedom and human rights.
Wang Bingzhang graduated from Beijing Medical Institute in the People’s Republic of China in 1970. He began his medical and surgical career in Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province. There, he served the medical and surgical needs of ethnic Tibetans for many years, and developed a mutually appreciative relationship with the Tibetan community. Later, he was transferred to Shijiazhuang Hebei Academy of Medical Sciences, where he conducted clinical research and published several papers on cardiovascular issues in well- known medical journals. In 1978, after the end of the Cultural Revolution, he took and passed the National Examination for Overseas Personnel and was recommended by an internationally renowned cardiovascular expert to study abroad.
In 1979, Doctor Wang went to McGill University in Canada, where he obtained a Ph.D. in experimental medicine in 1982. In so doing, he became one of the first students from the PRC to receive a doctorate degree abroad.