
中國民主人權聯盟(CDHRA) 和民主中國陣線(FDC)支持7國外長聯合譴責中共違反聯合國备案的中英聯合聲明推行中共香港國安法的行为。

中國民主人權聯盟(CDHRA) 和民主中國陣線(FDC)號召世界所有國家都聯合行動,共同反抗中共的對內鎮壓民主人權,對外欺騙擴張。

Chinese Democracy & Human Rights Alliance (CDHRA) and Federation for a Democratic China (FDC) support the G7 joint statement.  We call for every county in the world all jointly take actions against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime crash-down on democracy and human rights domestically, and internationally CCP lies to the world, and expanding its authoritarianism gravely.

The U.S. Department of State Published the G7 Foreign Ministers’ Statement on Hong Kong today.  The statement is as follows:

We, the Foreign Ministers of the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the High Representative of the European Union underscore our grave concern regarding China’s decision to impose a national security law on Hong Kong.

China’s decision is not in conformity with the Hong Kong Basic Law and its international commitments under the principles of the legally binding, UN-registered Sino-British Joint Declaration. The proposed national security law would risk seriously undermining the “One Country, Two Systems” principle and the territory’s high degree of autonomy. It would jeopardize the system which has allowed Hong Kong to flourish and made it a success over many years.

Open debate, consultation with stakeholders, and respect for protected rights and freedoms in Hong Kong are essential.

We are also extremely concerned that this action would curtail and threaten the fundamental rights and freedoms of all the population protected by the rule of law and the existence of an independent justice system.

We strongly urge the Government of China to re-consider this decision.

We strongly condemn the CCP regime breached the Sino-British Joint Declaration for Hong Kong and enforce its HK “National Security Law”!

強烈譴責中共違反香港“英中聯合公報”,強推國安法!習近平下台! 結束中共一黨專政!